Garrett Popcorn The Chicago Mix - CheeseCorn™ & CaramelCrisp® Popcorn

The Chicago Mix is the culmination of Garrett's popcorn tradition! A full gallon of the two most popular flavors, CaramelCrisp® and CheeseCorn™, are blended together to create The Chicago Mix. Take comfort in The Mix’s seductive sweetness and wholesome, savory cheesiness.

The Chicago Mix - CheeseCorn™ & CaramelCrisp® Popcorn

67.00 !!
The Chicago Mix - CheeseCorn™ & CaramelCrisp® Popcorn
  • -6 in Online - 67.00 - listUnitPriceExTax: 67.00, adjustedPriceExTax: 67.00, quantity: 1,

67 pts