ElliptiGo® 8C Elliptical Bike

The ElliptiGO 8C is the world's most popular elliptical bike. You'll feel like you're “running on air," while leaving the boring gym behind. With eight gears capable of tackling tough climbs, this model suits professional athletes and recreational riders alike. Whether your goal is to lose weight or cross-train, the ElliptiGO 8C delivers! Ergonomic grips and bar-ends provide multiple hand positions. The bike features eight speeds for climbing hills and sprinting flats. An adjustable steering column provides a custom fit. Weight Limit: 250lbs. Ships Almost Fully Assembled.
Wheelbase: 54”. Total length: 75”. Weight: 44lbs. Height: 50-58”. Stride length: 16-25”. Stride height: 2.5-2.8”.

8C Elliptical Bike

3675.00 !!
8C Elliptical Bike
  • 0 in Online - 3675.00 - listUnitPriceExTax: 3675.00, adjustedPriceExTax: 3675.00, quantity: 1,

3675 pts