Conair® CompleteSteam™ Travel Fabric Steamer

The CompleteSteam™ Travel Fabric Steamer heats up in just 60 seconds and has a powerful 1100 watts of continuous steam time. Features include a large steam head, an ergonomic handle, and a 4.9-ounce water tank. It has an On/Off switch, a power-ready light, and an 8-foot power cord. This steamer is not suitable for international use.

CompleteSteam™ Travel Fabric Steamer

39.00 !!
CompleteSteam™ Travel Fabric Steamer
  • 0 in Online - 39.00 - listUnitPriceExTax: 39.00, adjustedPriceExTax: 39.00, quantity: 1,

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