Yogibo Shoulder Wonder Aromatherapy Wrap

The Shoulder Wonder wraps your shoulders in warmth, while the soothing scent of lavender and peppermint makes you forget your stress. Microwave to release the herbal scent of peppermint and lavender. Freeze the wrap to help with sports injuries. Features a 100 percent soft polyester cover. Ingredients include wheat, natural plants, herbs, peppermint, and lavender. Dimensions: 12" x 16" x 1.5". Weight: 2 lbs.

Shoulder Wonder Aromatherapy Wrap

44.00 !!
Shoulder Wonder Aromatherapy Wrap
  • 0 in Online - 44.00 - listUnitPriceExTax: 44.00, adjustedPriceExTax: 44.00, quantity: 1,

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