iLive™ 6-Foot LED Ambient Lighting Strip

For a better view of your TV with great contrast and less eye fatigue, look no further than the 6-Foot LED Ambient Lighting Strip. Simple to install, you can instantly create ambient lighting around your monitor, complete with auto and manual color modes. Use the remote to change the colors to better suit your viewing needs, whether you're watching a movie, a TV show or playing a video game. It'll change your viewing days for the better. Includes remote control and user's guide.

6-Foot LED Ambient Lighting Strip

31.00 !!
6-Foot LED Ambient Lighting Strip
  • 0 in Online - 31.00 - listUnitPriceExTax: 31.00, adjustedPriceExTax: 31.00, quantity: 1,

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