Kidde® 10-B:C Kitchen Fire Extinguisher

The 10-B:C Kitchen Fire Extinguisher is listed to the standard — test to put out fires effectively in a residential kitchen. The proprietary nozzle design allows a broad, dispersed discharge of agent that delivers a high-volume low-velocity delivery of dry chemical which does not cause the cooking oil to splash. The unit is packaged with a wall bracket and equipped with a pressure gauge for immediate pressure status check. The aluminum cylinder is lightweight and corrosion resistant. The unit contains a non-toxic, non-corrosive and non-conductive dry chemical extinguishing agent.

Net agent weight: 2.5 lbs. Discharge time: 8-10 seconds. Discharge range: 5’. Operating pressure: 100 PSI. UL/CSFM Ref. Kidde Part 711A. Dimensions: 3.25” D x 13.75” H x 3.25” W.

10-B:C Kitchen Fire Extinguisher

62.00 !!
10-B:C Kitchen Fire Extinguisher
  • 0 in Online - 62.00 - listUnitPriceExTax: 62.00, adjustedPriceExTax: 62.00, quantity: 1,

62 pts