Presto® MyJo™ Single Cup Coffee Maker

The convenience of a single cup coffee maker without the high cost! MyJo™ uses convenient K-Cup® packs with over 200 varieties available. The compact design lets you take it anywhere — home, work, school, travel or camping. MyJo is easy to clean — simply toss the K-Cup pack and rinse the base.

You can also use your favorite ground coffee in the MyJo coffee maker — any blend or flavor. In just three easy steps, you can enjoy gourmet coffee, tea or hot cocoa at home or on the go. You can heat up water in the MyJo water reservoir in the microwave or use hot water from a hot water dispenser. Place a K-Cup or the reusable coffee in the base and attach the reservoir. Then, place the MyJo on top of your coffee cup and pump the brewer to make a cup of coffee.

MyJo™ Single Cup Coffee Maker

35.00 !!
MyJo™ Single Cup Coffee Maker
  • 0 in Online - 35.00 - listUnitPriceExTax: 35.00, adjustedPriceExTax: 35.00, quantity: 1,

35 pts