Conair® True Glow™ Heated Paraffin Bath

The True Glow™ Heated Paraffin Bath alleviates dryness and decreases the signs of aging and sun damage. Dip hand, elbow or heel several times to create a wax covering, then peel away wax to reveal softer smoother-looking skin. Aloe vera-infused wax smoothes and softens skin. Includes 1 pound of aloe vera wax. Kiss your dry skin goodbye!

True Glow™ Heated Paraffin Bath

48.00 !!
True Glow™ Heated Paraffin Bath
  • 0 in Online - 48.00 - listUnitPriceExTax: 48.00, adjustedPriceExTax: 48.00, quantity: 1,

48 pts