Vivitar® Refractor Telescope and Microscope Set

The Telescope/Microscope Kit from Vivitar® comes with a 30mm refractor telescope and a 3-objective compound microscope with an accessory kit. This kit's telescope includes a tripod as well as 20x, 30x and 40x eyepieces for terrestrial and celestial observations. In case you lose your way, the telescope's built-in compass can help point you in the right direction. The compound microscope included with the kit is capable of 300x, 450x and 600x magnification, making this entry-level instrument well-suited for viewing a wide range of specimens. Set includes specimen slide, blank slides, slide covers, specimen collection vials and tweezer.

Refractor Telescope and Microscope Set

37.00 !!
Refractor Telescope and Microscope Set
  • -2 in Online - 37.00 - listUnitPriceExTax: 37.00, adjustedPriceExTax: 37.00, quantity: 1,

37 pts