Cuisinart® Egg Central 10-Egg Cooker

The Cuisinart® Egg Central has a new 2-tiered cooking system that allows 10 eggs to be cooked at once. Eggs can be cooked to a hard, medium or soft consistency. The egg cooker also comes with removable trays that can be used to poach eggs and make omelets.

Cooking time is controlled precisely by the amount of water added. Fill included measuring beaker to the appropriate range and pour water into cooking plate. The built-in LED light, audible alert and standby mode help guard against overcooking. All egg favorites can be made in one compact unit — a great way to get your protein! Dimensions: 6.3” W x 7.3” D x 7.75” H. Weight: 2 lbs.

Egg Central 10-Egg Cooker

55.00 !!
Egg Central 10-Egg Cooker
  • 0 in Online - 55.00 - listUnitPriceExTax: 55.00, adjustedPriceExTax: 55.00, quantity: 1,

55 pts