Great American Days Introduction to Diving for One

Dive to a new dimension and discover the world of scuba exploration. Experience diving in the safety of a pool and take your first step to becoming a qualified diver. Learn the basics of scuba theory, including breathing and moving through the water as well as how to get the most from your equipment. Then put your skills to the test with some hands-on experience in the water.

Upon completion of your Introduction to Scuba Diving Experience, you will also be able to apply your experience towards further diver training. Unlock the door to new adventure with an unforgettable introduction to scuba exploration.

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Suitable for anyone aged 10 or over. Diving is a physically active sport and not suitable for everyone including, but not limited to, those who are pregnant, have heart or chest conditions, suffer from seizures, epilepsy and are taking certain medications. Before taking your first dive you should consult your physician.

Introduction to Diving for One

111.00 !!
Introduction to Diving for One
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111 pts